HR Cartoon: You are not applying yourself
Don’t we all wish our HR managers understood more about us and the business situation than they do?
The best management blog
Comic relief for our readers
Don’t we all wish our HR managers understood more about us and the business situation than they do?
Apple has surprised us with many innovative product launches in recent times, some more useful than the other. Steve Jobs is known for pushing his teams to innovate beyond barriers.…
Facebook is the cyber tool which enables you to stop worrying about wasting time even when your schedule is super busy, by making you play the stupidest quizzes and talk…
So whats the next level of innovation Steve Jobs is going to announce next? The I-Pad appears to be an extended and enlarged version of the I-Phone. Following this trend,…
Schneider, the Beer manufacturing major, created a lot of waves with this banner advertisement. This caught the active imagination of the youth and created quite a stir. With an overdose…
Its funny how much inadvertently we tend to depend more and more on technology to run our lives. So much so, we fail to understand how much it has actually…
Not always are the times good for everyone. Not always it is sunny. But always remember, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. And to cruise through tough…
Stock markets, in spite of all technical analysis and number crunching, are driven by what the masses think about a stock, or how they value the same. The way these…
The reality is employees and bosses will always have a difference in opinion. The difference of opinion is not the problem, as long both are able to put aside their…
Business requirements often seem an impossible target for most of us when they are chalked out. What creates a difference in the successful completion of the same is how one…
A small comic strip about how IT projects are developed. There develops a gap in the expected product / solution from the client’s side and from the development team’s understanding…