The main purpose of a form is to be filled. There are many actions you can take in order to improve the count of filled forms on your website.
Surely, many things could affect this number, depending on the reasons why you want people to fill it. The purpose needs to be bold and clear. It also depends on how many people actually visit your website. If it’s a completely new project, it’s hard to expect for a huge amount of filled forms.

But there are some objectives that can improve any kind of form and increase the number of filled forms. Here we’ll give you a few main tips on how to do it, no matter on what project you are working on.
Place The Form Properly On Your Website
The first thing you need to get right is the location of your form. It has to be easy to find. The trends of web design are important, but you can’t risk people not finding your form. And if it’s a special project you are working on, maybe consider creating some banners that would lead to your form. And for those visitors who come to your website from elsewhere mainly to fill your form – make sure it’s easy to find. The bottom of the page is definitely not the place for your form.
Share It On Social Media

Maybe this won’t bring the biggest amount of people to your form, because not many users like to navigate from a social media page to another website. Especially if they’re using it on their smartphone’s mobile app. But then again – it is very dependable on the purpose of your form. For example, if you’re asking people to sign some kind of an important petition and find your target group, they might be more than interested to navigate to your website and fill the form.
Choose The Right Layout
When you build your form, make sure you use a proper form builder like 123FormBuilder contact form generator – it’s believed to be one of the best ones in the market. When you already have a good form builder, focus on building the right layout, because it’s super important.The size of the fields should be neither too small, neither too big. Don’t forget to label your fields, so that people know what to write down in them.
Avoid Using Too Many Fields
People are very impatient nowadays, especially when it comes to a filling of a form. So have that in mind and don’t overload your form with unnecessary questions. Just keep it short and clear. The perfect form is said to be no longer than three question fields. If that’s just not possible, just try to minimize it as much as you can.
Choose The Colors Right
Try not to use any colors that are too vibrant and too irritating. Also, avoid annoying contrasts of color, like orange and green together. If these are the colors of your logo, then try to mute them and make them a little more transparent. Here you can find more information on how to use color psychology to increase conversions on your website.
Avoid Annoying And Hard To Read Fonts

Similar as with colors try not to annoy and irritate your website visitor who is about to fill your form. If the font you choose is too hard to read and even worse – if you have a lot of fields to fill, there is a really high possibility that this person will simply leave the website and never fill the form.
Skip The Captcha
The Captcha saves you from a big amount of spam, but removing Captcha from your form is actually very likely to increase the conversion of filled forms. Therefore, if your project is pretty new and you do not have a big number of website visitors, this might be a perfect idea for you to increase the number of filled forms.
Don’t Ask For The Phone Number
Entering any digits that the person doesn’t know by heart will lower the rate of filled forms significantly. So you really need to ask yourself – do you really need that number? If you remove it, you will also minimize the number of the fields on your form and skip the barrier of trust,when a person doesn’t want to give away his phone number and abandons the form.