The internet is now a perfectly normal part of everyday life. To the point that our children find it hard to believe that we ever lived without it and that we now genuinely struggle if we are cut off for a few days. Our day to day lives are dominated by social media, Google, online video streaming, and online booking systems. We do everything online, either on an app or our computers. Many of the industries that we come into contact with have also changed to incorporate online ideas and advancements.

One sector we perhaps don’t think of as having gone online is healthcare. This isn’t the case. The business of healthcare has fully embraced the growth of the internet and continues to change because of it. Here’s how.


Electronic medical records have totally revolutionized healthcare. Doctors and other practitioners can now record a patient’s data online. This means there’s no need to store reams of files in the basement, other settings can access the same data instantly, there is less chance of things getting lost or mistakes being made, and records are considerably safer. If you want to know more about electronic records and other areas of healthcare administration, consider an online EMHA degree.


Patients no longer have to travel to the doctor to order a repeat prescription, return in two days to pick the prescription up, then take it to the pharmacy before waiting another two days to collect their medication. They can order prescriptions online, send them to an online pharmacy and, in many cases, have them delivered to their door. This makes the whole system much easier and more efficient.


Healthcare is a business and practices must attract new patients to be able to stay open. The internet means they can use social media to advertise, reaching a much wider audience, without spending a penny.

Patient Relationships

Healthcare practices are also using social media and online blogs to build relationships with their patients. Social media is a great way to keep in touch, answer questions and pass on information. A healthcare blog run by a practice can be an excellent resource. There is an awful lot of conflicting health advice out there, which can lead to poor self-care, incorrectly judging symptoms, and panic. A properly managed healthcare blog can help a practice build relationships and give them a new way of supporting a wider range of patients without taking up doctor’s appointment times.


Online study is a huge thing nowadays. It gives people the chance to study later in life, around other commitments or as part of a career change plan. This means even those that left school years ago can return to education to pursue a degree such as an online masters in health administration and go on to have long and rewarding careers in healthcare. The growth in online study means that there are more people seeking employment in the healthcare sector, as well as those already working in support roles seeking the chance for career progression.

The internet looks set to continue to change and advance all areas of healthcare for years to come. It’s an exciting time to get involved.

By Kar

Dr. Kar works in the interface of digital transformation and data science. Professionally a professor in one of the top B-Schools of Asia and an alumni of XLRI, he has extensive experience in teaching, training, consultancy and research in reputed institutes. He is a regular contributor of Business Fundas and a frequent author in research platforms. He is widely cited as a researcher. Note: The articles authored in this blog are his personal views and does not reflect that of his affiliations.