Some of America’s largest corporations are seeking great opportunities in opening up new locations in other new emerging markets. Additionally, some companies want to invest heavily in the marketplaces that have recently become available due to a change in political situations. Corporate executives travel the world extensively with the hope of making business and political connections in specific regions such as Asia. John Ferraro E&Y is an example of an American executive that builds relationships with Asian countries.
The former Soviet Republics in central Asia have opened up new markets for major corporations to explore. These countries are making the gradual transition from a former communist economy into a capitalistic society. However, the reconstruction efforts in central Asian countries have been slow and difficult. With the help of American corporations and investments, countries such as Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are capable of moving forward into an exciting new era of capitalism and free markets. Such countries may not see rapid development of skyscrapers but they do experience some growth in traditional industries such as agriculture and mining. It is the task of American corporations to use a country’s natural resources for building a modern capitalistic society. Such a process involves developing urban areas in countries that are predominately rural in nature.
Executives of major corporations take pride and joy in traveling to new countries in Asia. Such business trips often include meetings with presidents and other powerful political figures that can make some real changes on the economic policies of a country. Corporate executives usually communicate with foreign leaders through the help of professional translators. However, the national media in countries such as Kazakhstan have English speaking journalists that can take proper interviews from American business leaders. The interviews are usually broadcast with subtitles and translations on local TV channels. However, the English versions of the interviews are shown in original format throughout media outlets all over the world. These days, interviews with U.S. executives are also shown on social media websites. Such postings allow anyone to view important discussions about a particular country without having to browse the local news channels on TV.
Corporate chief executives understand the power of social media in today’s global world. Therefore, they sometimes conduct interviews with just about anyone that has some relevant and legitimate questions. Such discussions are then posted for the world to explore, comment and share through the internet. Additionally, executives can make their own social media videos and appeal directly to specific audiences when discussing different topics. Instead of being interviewed, executives can simply read an agenda on a video that is made for social media sharing.
It’s important for major corporations to show their international impact on the world. The media may not always follow the footsteps of executives of major companies. Business trips need to be recorded by the executives or other affiliated workers. Such recordings can show to the world that a company is actively seeking to expand its brand and invest in new markets. It surely helps a company’s image when photos are posted of an executive in a foreign country. The images should also be symbolic in nature by showing handshakes between executives and national leaders. American customers can actually gain some more trust in U.S. based companies that do business abroad fairly and honestly.