Title: Websites as small but a significant market space in India: A forecast
P. Vigneswara Ilavarasan Arpan Kumar Kar
([email protected]) ([email protected])
Indian Institute of Management Rohtak Indian Institute of Management Rohtak
Abstract: Due to a sudden change in the regulatory guidelines in India, a surge in the web-space requirements is anticipated among companies based on paid-up capital size. The objective of this guideline is to enhance the transparency in the corporate governance and signal the growth potential of the firms to the investors from India and abroad. This article explores the potential market size of website creation and maintenance for the 6.5 lakh companies, for whom this regulatory guideline may impact more.
This paper can be cited as follows: Ilavarasan,P.V., Kar, A.K. (2012). Websites as small but a significant market space in India: A forecast, Business Frontiers, 2(1), 1-6.
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